The Praxis Lab
Confronting the white gaze in social science research: A photovoice study
Principal Investigator: Lorien S. Jordan, PhD., LMFT
This project engages researchers (& research students) in an exploration of social injustice, and the "white gaze" in social science research. The goal of is to explore participants perspectives, from the lens of critical whiteness, and to develop solutions for racial equity in research. Over 8-weeks participants will engage in photovoice, journaling, and focus groups.

Each week, participants will be asked to take photographs that illustrate their thoughts, experiences, and feelings in response to prompts provided by the research team. During the 8-week period, you can expect to meet every other week as a cohort of six, via zoom (90 mins each), where we will critically-question, and identify the issues of the white gaze, critical whiteness, and color blindness in research. On off weeks, you will participate in an asynchronous focus group on a private slack space, where you will journal about photos you have taken through the week, based on specific prompts given to you by the researchers.
The dates of the study will occur during March- May, 2021. More information about specific dates can be found on the eligibility survey.
The process looks like this:
Week One: Pre-Session focus group (synchronous meeting: 60 minutes)
Informed consent review
Learn about Photovoice. Learn about representational and symbolic photos. Learn about the photo assignment and prepare to take photos during non-project time
Discuss slack page, and first asynchronous photo work
Week Two: Slack Journal Intersession 1 (asynchronous)
Document your response to the prompt, through photography or drawing.
Chose 2-3 photos to blog about, assign each photo a title or caption that reflects the meaning of the image, write a paragraph for each that critically reflects upon each photo
Read and respond to your cohorts' photos and journals
Week Three: Focus Group Session 1 (synchronous meeting: 90 minutes)
Discuss at least one photo each in small groups or plenary.
Discuss experiences, feelings in group and work to develop themes from photos.
Week Four: Slack Journal Intersession 2 (asynchronous)
Document your response to the prompt, through photography or drawing.
Chose 2-3 photos to blog about, assign each photo a title or caption that reflects the meaning of the image, write a paragraph for each that critically reflects upon each photo
Read and respond to your cohorts' photos and journals
Week Five: Focus Group Session 2 (synchronous meeting: 90 minutes)
Discuss at least one photo each in small groups or plenary.
Discuss experiences, feelings in group and work to develop themes from photos.
Week Six: Slack Journal Intersession 3 (asynchronous)
Document your response to the prompt, through photography or drawing.
Chose 2-3 photos to blog about, assign each photo a title or caption that reflects the meaning of the image, write a paragraph for each that critically reflects upon each photo
Read and respond to your cohorts' photos and journals
Week Seven: Focus Group Session 3 (synchronous meeting: 90 minutes)
Discuss at least one photo each in small groups or plenary.
Discuss experiences, feelings in group and work to develop themes from photos.
Week Eight: Final interviews (To be scheduled, per participant schedule)
Debrief, discuss experiences
This study has been approved by the University of Arkansas IRB (protocol 2102314206). You may also contact the University of Arkansas Research Compliance office listed below if you have questions about your rights as a participant, or to discuss any concerns about, or problems with the research.
Ro Windwalker, CIP
Institutional Review Board Coordinator, Research Compliance
University of Arkansas
109 MLKG Building
Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201