The Praxis Lab
Anti/Colonialism is For Everyone:
Creative Resistance & Qualitative Inquiry

Resources for Anti/Colonial Inquiry
Available Resources:
McKinnon, R. (2016). Epistemic injustice. Philosophy Compass, 11(8), 437-446.
Recommended Resources:
Anzaldúa, G., & Keating, G. (2015). Light in the dark/Luz en lo oscuro. Duke University Press.
Dei, G. J. S., & Kempf, A. (2006). Anti-colonialism and education: The politics of resistance. Brill.
de Sousa Santos, B. (2015). Epistemologies of the South: Justice against epistemicide. Routledge.
King, T. L. (2019). The Black shoals: Offshore formations of Black and Native studies. Duke University Press.
Tuck, E., & McKenzie, M. (2014). Place in research: Theory, methodology, and methods. Routledge.
Resources for Body Mapping
Available Resources
Recommended Resources
Orchard, T. (2017). Remembering the body: Ethical issues in body mapping research. Springer International Publishing.
Solomon, J. (2002). ‘Living with X’: A body mapping journey in the time of HIV and AIDS - A facilitation guide. Psychosocial wellbeing series. REPSSI